Wenke Langhof - Healing Mentor
Health & Life Coaching, Personal & Spiritual Growth, Soul Alignment

Healing Mentor

What is a
Healing Mentor?
I see myself as a healing mentor - I am here to teach you how you can heal yourself. I can't do the work for you, but I can teach you various tools so you can activate your body's natural healing response.
I am a Health & Life Coach, a Reiki Master, an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and I also work shamanically. I believe true healing takes place at an emotional, spiritual, mental and physical level.
Healing from endometriosis
Through my own healing journey from stage IV Endometriosis (see my BLOG for more detail), I have learned about the human body's innate ability to heal itself.
Just like most of you reading this now, I was incredibly skeptical about this in the beginning. But I had reached a stage of illness where I was ready to try anything. If someone had told me to dance naked around a fire on a full moon night with a slug on my head, I would have done it, that's how desperate I was to not be in constant pain anymore.
Luckily for me and you, I learned Reiki instead, I went to Germany to spend a month at a holistic Budwig Centre living and breathing the Dr. Johanna Budwig Cancer Healing Protocol, learning meditation, mindfulness, connecting to my body and learning to listen to my instincts and my gut.
I learned that there are 3 pillars in life that will ensure health for the body: nutrition, detoxification and stress management. If those 3 pillars are in balance, the body can heal itself from most illnesses and most certainly from chronic illnesses.
Within 18 months of following the Budwig Diet and finding my true self again, I was totally symptom free after years of suffering from endometriosis. I have had no endometriosis symptoms since.
I was so passionate about what I had learned, I wanted to share this knowledge with the world. Having worked in teaching roles for most of my working life (teaching languages), it was obvious to me that I had the teaching skills I needed, I just had to change the subject matter I taught.
So I went back to the drawing board and retrained at the age of 40, totally changing my career and getting professional qualifications that would allow me to pass on the knowledge I had acquired in my years of searching for a way to cure my endometriosis. Working with me, means avoiding all the dead ends I explored and short cutting straight to those things that worked.
If I can do it, so can you!

I've read all the books for you. Save time and talk to me instead.
It won't always be easy, but we will make it fun.
There are behaviors and habits you have formed in the past, that have made you ill. Often the patterns and beliefs behind those behaviors were formed in the first six years of our life, when our brainwaves are in the frequency rage equal to hypnosis - as children we are very suggestible. We absorb our parents, grandparents and those around us and simply accept their behaviors as "the way you do things" without questioning them.
To get healthy, we have to change these behaviors and turn them into healthy new habits. A habit is something you do repeatedly over a certain period of time, usually a minimum of 12 weeks, which is why I take clients through 12-week-programmes. I will be by your side to pick you up when you're down, to cheer you on when you realize how strong you actually are and to celebrate you reaching your full potential.
You can, of course, do this on your own. But from my own experience I know, that it helps to have someone by your side. Someone that keeps you on track.
Why not book an introductory session now, to see if we click.

learn to be happy again
2006 - M.A. English Literature & Culture, French Philology and Russian
2008 - CIM Professional & Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing
2011 - Official Diagnosis Endometriosis
2015 - Diagnosis Laryngeal Papillomatosis (secondary chronic illness, very common in endometriosis sufferers)
2016 - Reiki Level 1 & 2
2017 - One month at 3-E-Centre in Germany (Budwig Diet, Oil Protein Diet)
2018 - Reiki Level 3, Master Qualification
2018 - Beginners & Intermediate Shamanic Dreaming, Shamanic Medicine wheel
2019 - Health Coaching Qualification
2020 - Life Coaching Qualification
2020 - EFT Practitioner & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
2020 - Shamanic Practitioner, Budwig Consultant
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." (Henry Ford)
So let's talk about how we can work together!
NOTE: If you genuinely struggle financially to pay for any of the courses, but are ill, suffer from stress induced conditions and think working with me will help, please email me to discuss payment options, to join workshops for free or to pay me the same hourly rate you earn.
Equally, if you earn a lot of money and would like to sponsor someone less fortunate, please speak to me to discuss how we can help make this world a better, more equal place for all of us.