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Coaching & Mentoring
Special areas of interest: endometriosis, cancer, chronic illnesses






I believe we can activate our body's natural ability to heal.


I believe most chronic illnesses are linked to stress and lifestyle choices.

They can be reversed by learning to make better choices.


I believe we all have the power within us to make the changes we need to make

to be who we truly want to be and to live our best life ever.

Have you had enough of suffering, of being in pain most of the time, of letting yourself and those dearest to you down due to your illness? Do you feel that your life right now is not what you signed up for and that you deserve better than this? 


The three main areas we will address together are nutrition, detoxification and stress management. I see clients for individual coaching sessions (in person or online), run workshops and offer exclusive 12-week transformation programmes specifically designed to change the behaviour patterns that made you ill. I can't do the work for you. Believe me: I wish I could. YOU will have to do the work, but I can be your "Healing Mentor" and walk alongside you every step of the way, guiding you, picking you up when you're down and teaching you how to live your best life ever. 

Stress is the number one cause of many illnesses, in particular chronic illnesses. To heal, we need to learn how to recognize stress, reduce it and eventually eliminate it from our lives as much as possible. In my 12-week-programmes, you learn various tools to help you do this. By the end of the 12 weeks, you will walk away with a whole tool box full of strategies and exercises that help you reduce the effects of stress in your daily life, so your body can heal. 


Come and explore with me the fascinating world of quantum medicine, energy healing, neuroscience, the power of the mind-body connection and our body's incredible ability to heal (given the right conditions). Energy healing is ancient, yet often sold to us as the latest "new thing". Believe me, it's not new. Its thousands of years old and has been practiced by every single ancient culture that ever existed. Thanks to quantum physics we have finally scientifically "re-discovered" what humans before us knew all along: we can heal our body using energy.


I use Reiki, Shamanic Journeying, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and various Health & Life Coaching skills to help you heal. Below you find a list of workshops and sessions I offer. General Coaching sessions combine all the skills, depending on what you might need at any time to move you forward on your own journey of healing and growth.


Individual 60 minute Coaching Sessions

PRICE: £65 (see note at bottom of page)

Individual 90 minute Coaching Sessions

PRICE: £97.50 (see note at bottom of page)

12-Week Transformation Programmes

12-Week Total Endometriosis Transformation Programme

12-Week Cancer Transformation Programme

12 Week Best Version of Myself Transformation Programme

All courses include:

1 introductory session

12 individual 90 minute coaching sessions,

total personal support throughout the 12 weeks,

comprehensive programme materials

PRICE: £1200 (can be paid in installments; see note at bottom of page)



Full day Workshops 9.30 - 3.30


One Day Budwig Diet Workshop*

Spend a day learning about why a human cell stops functioning properly and how you can reverse the process.

This is an introduction into the Dr. Johanna Budwig Diet (Oil-Protein-Diet). We cook a 3-course organic vegan/vegetarian lunch together. 

Enjoy learning and sharing with like-minded people. Max 4 participants. 

The Human Cell & Energy Healing Workshop*

Dive into the world of the human cell and learn all about the power of energy healing,

Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Johanna Budwig.

A healthy, organic vegan/vegetarian lunch is provided.

Enjoy learning and sharing with like-minded people. Max 4 participants. 

Meditation & Mindfulness Day*

You've heard of meditation and mindfulness and would like to try it?

You meditate regularly and just want to treat yourself to a whole day of pure bliss?

Whatever your level, come and relax and unwind in a safe and loving environment with like-minded people.

(Includes a vegan/vegetarian lunch. Max 4 participants.)

*PRICE FOR ALL FULL DAY WORKSHOPS: £150 (see note at bottom of page)


Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3

You'd like to learn Reiki? Come and join me for levels 1, 2 and 3. More information in the Reiki section.

PRICES (see note at bottom of page)

Level 1 "Shoden" (2 days): £300

Level 2 "Okuden" (2 days): £300

Level 3 "Shinpiden" (3 days): £550


Half day Workshops 9.30 - 12.30 or 1 - 4


Create your Dream Board Workshop 

Spend a morning exploring what's important to you in your life, what you already have, what you'd like to develop further,

how you'd like to grow over the next few weeks, months, years and create your own, very personal dream board or vision board

to take home with you (using magazines, stencils, drawings etc.). A great creative morning or afternoon. 

Meditation & Mindfulness Workshop

You've heard of meditation and mindfulness and would like to try it?

You meditate regularly and just want to treat yourself to a morning/ afternoon of pure bliss?

Whatever your level, come and relax and unwind in a safe and loving environment with like-minded people.


PRICE FOR ALL HALF DAY WORKSHOPS: £75 (see note at bottom of page)

EFT & Matrix Reimprinting

PRICE: £65 per hour (see note at bottom of page)

Matrix Reimprinting is a relatively new technique based on principles of quantum physics and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/ Tapping). 


I look at the body as an energy system within energy fields. Every cell is energy. The food we eat is energy for our body - energy the body needs to function, heal, detox and grow. Every traumatic memory is energy. 

Emotions are "energy in motion". Positive emotions like joy, love, gratitude put out positive signals into our energy field (into the Matrix), negative emotions like anger, frustration, doubt put low vibration signals into the energy field. Our cells receive signals from the energy field around us, so what you put into the field (i.e. what frequency you're tuned into), is what you receive back. 

Matrix Reimprinting allows us, using EFT as a tool, to change negative memories and beliefs into positive ones, so our cells receive positive rather than negative signals. Once we've made old, traumatic memories more positive, we reimprint them into the matrix, from where the body will now be able to receive the new, positive, reimprinted signals, instead of the old, self-limiting ones.

If a cell vibrates in higher electromagnetic frequencies, it automatically heals and restores itself. This is an excellent tool to deal with trauma and self-limiting beliefs.

Shamanic Journeying

PRICE: £65 per hour (see note at bottom of page)

Shamanism or forms of ceremonial and ritual healing, connecting with spirit and guides, has been part of our human history as long as we have existed. Every indigenous culture practiced some form of shamanism or spiritual healing. 

Shamanic Journeying can be a powerful tool to connect with your inner self and with the collective consciousness of the universe to find the answers you need. 

Paired journeying, soul retrieval, power retrieval, trauma release, past-life journeys etc. can help to guide you on your true path to inner peace, happiness and health. 

While I sometimes integrate shamanic journeying into a general coaching session, I also offer a full shamanic journeying experience for those who would like to enjoy the ceremonial aspect of this beautiful, ancient practice. 

We will call in the powers and then journey to a shamanic drum beat. You can either learn to journey yourself or  choose to let me journey on your behalf while you relax.


Explore your magical inner wisdom in a safe and relaxed environment and connect with the wealth of knowledge held in your subconscious and the collective consciousness of all there is.



Help women suffering from endometriosis become happy and productive in the workplace. 

NOTE: If you genuinely struggle financially to pay for any of the courses, but are ill, suffer from stress induced conditions and think working with me will help, please email me to discuss payment options, to join workshops for free or to pay me the same hourly rate you earn.

Equally, if you earn a lot of money and would like to sponsor someone less fortunate, please speak to me to discuss how we can help make this world a better, more equal place for all of us. 

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